Author: @benoitmahe

2h 57 min

2h 57 min

– Domingo 1º de diciembre de 2019, 11h08, km38 de la Maratón de Valencia, estoy yaciendo en la acera, atendido por la Cruz Roja por 40 minutos.– Domingo 5 de diciembre de 2021, 11h27’50, paso la línea de meta del Maratón de ...

24 de October de 2022 | 7:40 am

Una maratón… y muchos aprendizajes

Una maratón… y muchos aprendizajes

Benoit Mahé es PCC (Profesional Certified Coach) de la ICF, autor de Retail Coaching y socio de CapKelenn. Sus crónicas en blog tratan principalmente de la aplicación del coaching en el sector de las tiendas, para conseguir vender más y mejor, incluso con Internet, ...

21 de October de 2022 | 10:20 am

Waiters from another Galaxy

Uncategorized Waiters from another Galaxy

Artists of catering This night of March 2017, we went out for dinner with retail coaches, with Jean during our mission for SFR’s shops and which headquarters are in Courbevoie. We went out of the hotel and walked to the ...

31 de May de 2017 | 11:54 am

Proud to be seller

Uncategorized Proud to be seller

Recently I told a good friend what exactly I do in the workshops, events and conferences conducted around the world. He was surprised of my combinations of phrases and words I use to describe what it means to me this wonderful ...

20 de March de 2016 | 7:25 pm

Push yourself and succeed

Uncategorized Push yourself and succeed

Push yourself and you will get everything. Push yourself and you will get everything you propose. There are many people who have an enormous hunger to achieve success in life and enhance all their abilities, but few are the ones ...

19 de March de 2016 | 8:22 am